Free Shipping for Order Over $100


How long does it take to ship my order?

Your package will be shipped 1-2 business days after your order was received.

When will I receive my tracking number?

Priority shipping – Your package will be shipped out in 1-2 days, you will receive your tracking number by email as soon as its shipped.


What Payment Methods Are Accepted?


Orders & Returns

Can I cancel my order?

Your order can only be canceled before it ships.
To cancel the order, please send us an email, Your payment will be refunded in 7 business days

Why my order has been refunded?

Because your order was detected as an account with high risk. So, we have to cancel your order and you will receive a refund within 7 business days. If you are still willing to buy a board from us, please use another email address.

How Do I Track My Order?

To track your order:

How Can I Return a Product?

Please conact  us for the address details

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